finally work!!!
work as part time job as marking question paper...
jobs quite ok n the boss quite nice...
although my SPM result so cha,but he still willing to hire me...
also Thanks to Huai Qing for introduce me this jobs...
i will work harder n harder for achieve my purpose...
actually i wan earn money for buying something to someone d... xD
hopefully can buy it lar...
and Thanks to Yuan Sheng or watever lar...
he teach me all stuff about the works...
and helps me do things too...
Thanks to him for teaching me such a @@ ppl...
HAHA... i'm really @@ arr...
Angkasa n Angsana also can't differentiate it...
8th of May 2009 is my 1st working day!!!
i likes my part time jobs!!!
i hope can buy that thing soon... ^^
Mark what question papers? sound interesting..
good luck ..
enjoy the job xD
ur SPM cha????
show off ar???
6A aso call cha???
den hw about others even worse den urs ler???
Chipmunk: okok lar.. coz working places near my current hs mah.. hehe^^
Micky: Thx thx.. i'm very enjoying...
Anonymous: is really cha... coz the boss wan english n add math good but this both subj,i'm very weak...
6A also cha??
then how about others???
means them is rubbish???
ur english get A also not gd??
then what is gd??
yalo yalo....
alwz say 6A is cha....
alwz embaressed us like this...
alwz show off with ur result d....
anonymous: my english get B...
dr@gon: i just says myself cha...i didn't says other things o...
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